Monday, September 20, 2010

Peter Hanley

First off, I found it amusing that Peter Hanley's discussion was titled "Between 2 Studios" when he admitted to not even having a studio. Some of the points he made confused me; for instance, he said that the first studio is in your head and that computers and the internet are merely layers. I'm not quite sure what layers have to do with studio space, but he later went on to say that "the studio is wherever you work" which made more sense to me. He also stated that the "studio is where you're alone" which I both agree and disagree with. Sometimes I prefer to work on projects alone, but other times I enjoy having company with me. Hanley also talked about the connections between poetry & writing, typography & design, publishing, language & structure, critique & ideology, digital media, and programming as his interests shifted between them. I could relate because my interests have shifted a lot over the years, but I still feel like they are all interrelated.

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